INTL Women’s Day: TEAM ASH
Andrea Harvey is a woman of many talents. A Licensed Designer, Certified Aging in Place Specialist, and founder of ASH Interiors and Design, she is an entrepreneur, principal designer, and field expert. Design, however, is not a one woman job, no matter how many hats Andrea wears; ASH Interiors and Design would not exist without the wonderful team of designers and builders who challenge, support, and work alongside Andrea on a daily basis.
Different individuals bring different skills, passions, and innovations to each project. Every member of the team has something to contribute; while Andrea brainstorms, junior designers draw drafts and create prototypes. Depending on the scale of the project, part-time designers assist in conception and implementation, and contractors bring projects to life. These team members are not only Andrea’s partners and coworkers - they are her friends, her teachers, and her students.
Meet the amazing group of folks that contribute to ASH Interiors and Design:
Alberth Flores is the owner and founder of A+ Services, a construction company in Maryland. Alberth and Andrea are, so to speak, “partners in construction crime,” as for over a decade, the two companies have teamed up to materialize interior projects. In the process of completing work on ASH design projects, Alberth and his team of ten or so men have received many an A+ in Andrea’s book, and Alberth has become a friend to Andrea equivalent to a family member. Alberth’s family has gotten to know Andrea - Andrea recalls his mother praying for her during her first divorce, and Alberth’s brother Erick is her New York contractor. Andrea describes her friend Alberth as proud, accommodating, and kind, putting his heart and soul into each project.
Julianne Jones is a junior designer at ASH Interiors and Design. Inspired by Andrea after she spoke at a class presentation in her design program, Julianne sought work at ASH and started as an intern. Her exceptional computer drawings and all around hard work prompted her promotion to junior designer. Though independent and ambitious (like Andrea), she continues to regard Andrea as a mentor.
Jessica Webb is a part time designer at ASH. A psychologist by profession, her passion for colors, patterns, and texture extends to fashion and interior design, and her creativity “stretches” Andrea to design in unexpected ways.
Another part-time designer, Kara Bland tackles commercial projects at ASH. With previous experience in home staging, Kara is no stranger to the interior design industry and has known Andrea for over twenty years.
Pierre Perry is another long-time friend of Andrea’s and a part-time designer at her firm. The two have known each other since Andrea was 15 years old! In days gone by, Andrea shared her dream of becoming a fashion designer with Pierre; now the two are happily entrenched in another creative line of work together.
Andrea’s business partners and coworkers make her designs reality and offer friendship, responsibility, and inspiration that she could not manufacture alone. Interior design is not a lonely field - from clients, to contractors, artists, and fellow designers, it is a collaborative effort that requires teamwork to produce extraordinary results. Here at ASH Interiors and Design, Andrea has the best team she could hope for.